dining table
We are in the midst of disposing off some of our assets:
1. Lorenzo Sofa Settee RM1800(purchase price RM2400) - bought last July 08
2. Dining Table RM400(purchase price RM800) - bought 06
Reason for sale - Got new sets as a gift...:)
call me at 0133403990
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Sofa Settee For Sale (Lorenzo)
Posted by
Abby Ashraff
11:07 PM
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Our Faris Ashraff
Hello everyone -be it students, families and friends. It's been few months i didnt blog here.
My little faris - he's now 1 year 1 month old. To describe Faris at this age, he is now able to munch a lot , munching words as well as food. Yes it is, he is now like could not stand if he sees us chewing or eating without him to have it too.
Poor faris just have to tell you it isnt everything you can munch baby.
We celebrated his birthday party @ A&W PJ. Dreamt to have it for myself, but at least by piggybacking faris' could give me the feel of having it even it wasnt mine. We invited closest relatives nearby, not to forget faris' counterpart a.k.a. batchmate lil Harris & family. It took one and half of the time to celebrate faris' inaugural there, thank you so much to everyone for the nice, lavish toygifts. Just couldnt believe Papafaris also got a mystical misterious gift too - a casual long-sleeve shirt. Too good not to accept it coz this is the kind papa has been looking for; striping-striking coloured office wear. We are still unable to trace who was the sender.OoOOo..
We will be off to Beijing this Sunday, being first timers of three of us going to Great Wall and other places.
Posted by
Abby Ashraff
10:02 PM
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Langkawi 2008 - a pleasant trip
24 to 26 January 2008
Aseania, Pantai Chenang, Langkawi
Posted by
Abby Ashraff
4:53 PM
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
faris dah tumbuh gigi
pagi tadi baru perasan anak papa dh tumbuh gigi bawah sket...dah besar dah anak papa ye...lepas ni jgn gigit mainan tau...
Posted by
Abby Ashraff
4:43 PM
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
I'm now eight!
ate eight at the eat, now im 8!
Sharing birthday wif Auntie Nana, yesterday was our day.Alhamdulillah syukur to Allah who has given us good health at this age.We are still in the raya mood, where Faris is now busy collecting his duit raya for the first time in history. The most enjoyful persons are of course us, his parents. We know collecting for ourselves is fun, but you'll find it more when you collect it for your child. I'm now experiencing it, and its really cool.
The money collected will then be saved in Faris's Unit Trust Account, as we initiated for him one for his future use. You guys shall do the same, as this will surely complementing your existing bank account and for those who are working, your epf.
Posted by
Abby Ashraff
4:32 PM
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Pasar Ramadhan @ Shah Alam
Jika uol singgah S Alam, setiap seksyen ade pasar Ramadhan, and papa just nak share makanan ape yg best utk dicuba so at least uol x rase nyesal main belasah je beli kang balik x sedap...
Seksyen 7 (area flat)
1. Air Soya panas (ade byk gerai jual soya, ade satu gerai abg brader kt tgh2, die mmg slalu jual kat psr malam area shah alam - org s alam tau aa kot)
2. Bihun Sup (bihun kuning) - cari married couple guna van, die jual laksa n laksa die pon sedap gak
Seksyen 19 (area blakang DePalma)
1. Mee/Bihun Selajor (Selajor means Selangor + Johor)-die mcm soto, tp pakai sup kaki ayam yg mmg sedap, i tak makan kaki ayam tp sup die
2.Nasi Kerabu - cari brader jual nasi lemak ayam rempah slalu depan Shell, die nye nasi kerabu sedap seryes x tipu
3. Pecal - Hidangan wajib atokfaris setiap hari
4. Siput Sedut masak lemak - ni gerai owned by Restaurant Selera Selatan Sek20, so dah biase mesti tau
Seksyen 20 (dekat SMC)
1. Sotong Kangkung - hanya satu gerai je jual, so senang cari, mee udang die pn harus cuba
2. Murtabak - xla sedap sgt sgt, tp best dr yg lain
Nak cite seksyen2 lain nye lom sempat pg lg, esp stadium, nnt insyaAllah nak la pegi..ayam golek die popular...
**bukan nk kasi terliur, just nk share, kalo takot terliur, close blog ni and baca ptg2 sket...:)
Posted by
Abby Ashraff
8:06 PM
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Selamat Berpuasa
Papa bagi pihak mamafaris and faris ashraff serta ibubapa kami terlebih dahulu memohon maaf jika kami ada berbuat kesalahan, baik yang tidak di sengaja maupun yang di sengaja, semoga kita dapat menjalani ibadah puasa dengan khusyuk, diberkati dan dirahmati Allah S.W.T, insyaallah.
p/s: Buat uncle farid n auntie zura, congrats on the birth of your cute lil baby girl. Semoga kehadiran baby akan memeriahkan lagi suasana keluarga En Fahmi & family.
Posted by
Abby Ashraff
8:36 PM